Learning from Leonardo: What does death teach us about life?

While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
– Leonardo da Vinci


If the brilliant Renaissance artist, scientist, inventor, engineer, and genius Leonardo da Vinci were alive today would he do a TED Talk?

We don’t think so.

That’s why Steph Rizzo from the Artisans of Florence International embraced the challenge of presenting a DED Talk on what Leonardo’s studies of death teach us about life. 

Thanks to Leonardo’s insatiable curiosity, boundless imagination, keen observation of nature and ability to depict its nuanced beauty, he is regarded as one of the world\’s greatest thinkers, artists and scientists.

Leonardo’s fascination with death and dying has influenced our modern ideas about life in a myriad of ways. By connecting his studies in anatomy, nature, engineering, geology and the arts Leonardo came to a deep and unique understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Steph will present some of Leonardo’s lesser-known discoveries that raise questions that are central to both science and the arts. The session is interactive and audience members are invited to be part of the conversation.


Steph Rizzo presents Learning from Leonardo da Vinci: What does death teach us about life?

Saturday 5 August, 3pm
Edge Galleries, 35 Main St, Maldon

Free. Register your place as seating is limited.

The DED Talks (ideas worth undeading) will be introduced by Kimba and Stass from Last Hurrah Funerals.

The Goldfields Gothic Festival of Dark Ideas runs from Friday 4 – Sunday 6 August in Maldon (Vic)

Check out the jam-packed program: https://www.goldfieldsgothic.com/program