Galileo: Scientist, Astronomer, Visionary...

Visitors gain insights into how Galileo’s fearless and pioneering work in science, physics, and astronomy shaped our modern World. The Galileo exhibition provides exciting opportunities for STEAM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) particularly in the fields of: physics geometry, mathematics and astronomy through hands-on interactive experiments.

A great fit for any museum or science center with links to space or a planetarium, as Galileo’s science played a critical role in humanity’s travels into outer space and the moon landing.

Touring exhibition facts

  • Rental:  Discounted long-term rental for over three months
  • Setup:  5 day install/5 day dismantle
  • Footprint:  4000-8000sq ft (400m2-800m2)
  • Delivery:  Single truck or shipping container

Exhibition themes


Simple Machines

Gravity, Motion and Time

Military and Ballistics

The Birth of Experimental Science

