Da Vinci's First Flight
Da Vinci’s First Flight
Let your imagination soar!
Rewriting the history of flight, this unique exhibition recounts the epic true tale of ‘Zoroastro of Peretola’, test pilot of Leonardo da Vinci’s most incredible flying machine in 1506.
Discover the secrets behind ‘Da Vinci’s First Flight’ in this groundbreaking exhibition by the award-winning Artisans of Florence. Explore over 30 incredible large-scale flying machines, meticulously handcrafted in Italy from da Vinci’s lost notebooks alongside hands-on experiments and inventions created by Leonardo, which paved the way for one of the world’s first piloted test flights and laid the foundations for the future of human air and space travel.
World Premier: San Diego Air & Space Museum 1 February 2025 – 4 January 2026
Contact us now for more information and expressions of interest to host this unique exhibition.

Touring exhibition facts
- Rental: Discounted long-term rental for over three months
- Setup: 5 day install/5 day dismantle
- Footprint: 4000-8000sq ft (400m2-800m2)
- Delivery: Single truck or shipping container